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My research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the human dimensions of wildlife conservation, and evaluates methods used to study these complex relationships.


Since 2014, I have been studying gibbons (Hylobatids), one of the most threatened families in the animal kingdom. The Hainan gibbon, for example, is the world's rarest primate with less than 40 individuals remaining. My current research is investigating the human-gibbon interface in China to inform locally, culturally-appropriate conservation initiatives to benefit both humans and gibbons alike. See published works.


​​Please get in contact if you have any questions or want to collaborate!


​The majority of my field work was conducted in Indonesia, China and Madagascar. Previous research investigated human-primate coexistence (i.e., tourist interactions), population densities, population demographics and change over time, ranging behaviour, and social systems. I have studied a wide variety of species including small apes (Hainan, Skywalker and Bornean white-bearded gibbons), great apes (Cross River gorillas and Bornean orangutans), lemurs (ring-tailed lemur and Coquerel's sifaka), and colobines (red langur monkeys).

​​Below are previous research examples:

Population Dynamics in Bornean WHITE-BEARDED gibbons
Between 2014 and 2016 I worked for the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF), a conservation research NGO based in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. BNF has the longest running gibbon data set in the world, first initiated by Dr. Susan Cheyne. I  managed a project which collected data on population size, distribution, social behaviour, diet, development and health. Our research highlighted the first case of polygyny seen in the Bornean white-bearded gibbon. See published works.

the importance of population monitoring
Dr. Helen Morrogh-Bernard at BNF first began researching the Bornean orangutans in 2003. BNF now prides itself on having the second longest running orangutan project in the world. My team and I investigated mother-infant relationships and population monitoring. I presented BNF's long-term population monitoring trend data between 1997 and 2015 at the International Conference on Rainforest Ecology, Diversity and Conservation in Borneo (Malaysia, 2015).

ground use in a disturbed peat swamp forest
Dr. David Ehlers-Smith from BNF began collecting feeding, activity, population and ranging data on red langur monkeys in 2009. When I managed the project, I took it in a new direction, focusing on social dynamics, ranging behaviour and forest use within different canopy strata. Our research highlighted the adaptability of red langur monkeys for ground-use in disturbed peat swamp forests. I also supervised BNF's first Indonesian masters student who investigated contexts of red langur monkey vocalisations. See published works.

tourism increases anxiety and aggression in ring-tailed lemurs
For my MRes project, supervised by Dr. Caroline Ross, formerly of the University of Roehampton, I investigated the impact of tourism pressures (proximity, density and presence) on ring-tailed lemur behaviour. Findings indicated that the greater the tourist pressure, more self-directed, anxiety-induced behaviours were observed. Intra-troop and inter-troop aggression was also more frequent.

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