Aung, P.P., Lwin, N., Aung, T.H., Htike, T.S.M., Thompson, C., Roos, C., Zaw, S.M., Lum, L.Z., Oo, W.N., Sau, Z., Turvey, S.T., Thein, W.Z., Maw, M.T., Win, Y.T., Oo, Z.M., Van Rompay, K.K.A., Gilardi, K.V., Tremeu-Bravard, A., Mombery, F., Fan, P., Cheyne, S.M. & Smiley Evans, T. Confirmation of Skywalker Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) in Myanmar extends known geographic range of an Endangered primate. International Journal of Primatology: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-024-00418-6
Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C., Martin, A., K. Aulia, A.A., Birot, H., Cahyaningrum, E., Aragay, J., Hutasoit, P.A. & Sugardjito, J. The power of gibbon songs: Going beyond the research to inform conservation actions. American Journal of Primatology: 86(7): e23626. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23626
Thompson, C., Lwin, N., Aung, P.P., Aung, T.H., Htike, T.S.M., San, A.M., Thant, N.M.L., Roos, C., Fan, P.F., van Rompay, K. & Grindley, M. The status of primates & primatology in Myanmar. Global Ecology & Conservation: e02662. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02662
Thompson, C., Fan, P., Turvey, S., Cheyne, S.M. & Chatterjee, H.J. Adopting an interdisciplinary biosocial approach to determine the conservation implications of the human-gibbon interface: A systematic review. In Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C., Fan, P. & Chatterjee, H.J. (Eds.). Gibbon Conservation in the Anthropocene. Cambridge University Press, UK. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108785402
Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C., Fan, P. & Chatterjee, H.J. Introduction. In Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C., Fan, P. & Chatterjee, H.J. (Eds.). Gibbon Conservation in the Anthropocene. Cambridge University Press, UK. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108785402
Cheyne, S.M., Abdulaziz, K., Supiansyah, Twentiolosa, Adul, Thompson, C.J.H., Thompson, L., Chadwick, R., Birot, H., Thompson, C., Wilcox, C.H. & Cahayaningrum, E. Gibbons in the Anthropocene: Lessons learnt from a long-term study in Indonesia. In Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C., Fan, P. & Chatterjee, H.J. (Eds.). Gibbon Conservation in the Anthropocene. Cambridge University Press, UK. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108785402
Thompson, C., Cahyaningrum, E., Birot, H., Aziz, A. & Cheyne, S.M. A case of polygyny in the Bornean white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis). Folia Primatologica, 93: 97-105. https://doi.org/10.1163/14219980-20200801
Ma, H., Zhang, D., Xioa, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Thompson, C., Chen, J., Dowell, S.D., Axmacheri, J., Lu, Z., & Turvey, S.T. Integrating biodiversity conservation & local community perspectives in China through human dimensions research. People & Nature, 4(6): 1461-1474. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10408
Nunn, J., Shafee, T., Chang, S., Stephens, R., Elliot, J., Oliver, S., John, D., Smith, M., Orr, N., Preston, J., Borthwick, J., van Vlijmen, T., Ansell, J., Houyez, F., Sharmila, M., de Sousa, A., Plotz, R.D., Oliver, J.L., Golumbic, Y., Macniven, R., Wines, S., Borda, A., da Silva Hyldmo, H., Hsing, P., Denis, L., & Thompson, C. Standardised Data on Initiatives – Beta Version. Research Involvement & Engagement, 8(1): 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-022-00363-9
Thompson C., Aung P.P., Grindley M., Lwin N., Aung T.H., Fan, P., Turvey S., Smiley-Evans T. Standard Operation Procedures for Threats Assessments for Skywalker Gibbons. The Myanmar Skywalker Gibbon Conservation Project. http://skywalkergibbon.org
Smiley-Evans T., Roos C., Aung T. T., Lwin N., Lin A.K., Lin A., Oo K.N., Yee J, Tun Tun Oo, Van Rompay K, Thompson C., Pyaephyo A, Cheyne S. Standard Operation Procedures for Biological Specimen Collection for Skywalker Gibbons. The Myanmar Skywalker Gibbon Conservation Project. http://skywalkergibbon.org
Cheyne S.M., Thompson C., Lwin N., Fan P., Aung P.P., Aung M., Momberg F., Smiley-Evans T. Standard Operation Procedures for Population Surveys for Skywalker Gibbons. The Myanmar Skywalker Gibbon Conservation Project. http://skywalkergibbon.org.
Chell, C.*, Corral, M.E., Grant, I., Laskai, C.J., Gough, H., Rakotomalala, D.I.S., Ward, S. & Thompson, C.* Observations of the Endangered Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) in mangrove forest, northwest Madagascar. Primates, 41: 562-565. *Joint first author. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-020-00171-6
Fei, H.-L., Thompson, C., & Fan, P.-F. Effects of cold weather on Skywalker Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) sleeping behaviour in seasonal montane forest. International Journal of Primatology: 81(12). https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23049
Chen, J.Y., Cheyne, S.M., Dee, J., Ge, W.H., Ma, H., Qian, J.F., Thompson, C., Turvey, S.T., Yan, L., Yang, C.T., Zhang, W.B. (Eds) ‘Chinese Gibbon Conservation & Population Management Workshop, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 22-23 April’, 2018, IUCN SSC SSA: https://bit.ly/2J7WNgX. Co-organiser and scribe.
Cheyne, S.M., Supiansyah, S., Adul, A., Neale, C.J., Thompson, C., Wilcox, C.H., Ehlers Smith, Y.C., & Ehlers Smith, D.A. Down from the treetops – Red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) terrestrial behaviour. Primates, 59: 437-448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-018-0680-9
​​​Cheyne, S.M., Thompson, C. and Birot, H. (2015) Gibbon Research Project: Habituation and Behaviour Data Collection Field Protocol, The Borneo Nature Foundation (The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project): Palangka Raya, Indonesia.
Ehlers Smith, D. and Thompson, C. (2015) Red Langur Research Project: Habituation and Behaviour Data Collection Field Protocol, The Borneo Nature Foundation (The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project): Palangka Raya, Indonesia.
Morrogh-Bernard, H., Armson, R. and Thompson, C. (2015) Orangutan Research Project: Habituation and Behaviour Data Collection Field Protocol, The Borneo Nature Foundation (The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project): Palangka Raya, Indonesia.
Thompson, C. ‘The impact of tourism on ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) behaviour, home range size and habitat use at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar’, M.Res. Thesis, University of Roehampton: London.​​​​